
Friday, October 14

i wish i wish i wish

i wish i wish i wish.
i wish upon a shinning star...
hoping that my angels will never be far
so that they could hear me
and grant my wishes...

ah ha. hahas i really have many wishes and things to get now but i have limited allowance... and of cos still financially dependent. aiya i am a spendthift and its really hard to change the habit.

first of all... i wish to lose a few kilos. have more toned arms and legs. yupps and a flatter belly. bwahahas. can you believe it. i actually went downstairs to jog for er 45 minutes. enduring weird people's stares and the extreme loneliness. and i experienced fear when i saw this big cat pouncing around. ah. then i started running super fast. and of cos i burnt more calories *beams. i dunno why ppl like to stare. maybe i am too fat beyond hope le. or cos they never see ppl jogging before. aiya. so many ppl jog lorhs just at different time and pace. hehhs. nvm. i shant care abt what they think. hm my next jogging schedule will be on sunday. preferably morning when i am all fresh and awake. and i am keeping a food diary now. hahas starting from today. burning calories and staying healthy and slim shall be my hobby from now on. and i have decided to take alternatives to desserts. i shall have yoghurts instead of ice cream which are just purely fats and sugars. and i shall eat more greens and refrain from oily stuff. ah


oh yes i am now on a diet and i am not taking any shortcuts ok. no slimming pills. no fluid-only diet. but i am gonna detox my body. byebye toxins. and dont worry i wont ever enter a battle with anorexia. never... marykate looked really haggard after her recent battle with anorexia. er no offence or anything. i have always liked mary kate and ashley since young. they are my idols. holly wood stars. tycoons.

ok enough abt that. second wish. i wish that i can get my dewy- smooth healthy skin back! i used to have good skin complexion. ok excluding the fact that its fair. i began having acne problems this year. ahh. help. i am looking out for skincare products which can do wonders. maybe this wish should come before the first one.

third wish. i wish to buy lotsa stuff.

skincare products.
wrist weights/ dumbbells
lotsa and lotsa yogurts!!
more new clothes...
new earrings...
new alarm clock...
winnie the pooh stickers for my water bottle
winnie the pooh stickers kit (one for me and one for my cousin)
stik-ons for my zen neeon
new slippers
new tout bag
new wallet

These are stuff which i wish to buy but i really should quit dreaming la.
braces? (sighhhhh)
a terrier? (definitely not... when my hse is cluttered with chirpy noisy birdies. NO WAY.)
handphone? (er definitely not. my plan's not even over yet. one more year to go. i dun have any particular model which i like very much yet... but i am kinda sick of clamshell phones. maybe i should try exploring my phone again. to see if theres any functions which i dunno.)

aiya soo many things. so little money. but right now i am pretty sure i am going to get a few packets of oil blotting paper and a gel cleanser. and i am gonna exercise and burn lotsa calories. before next year's cny. hehehe. right now i am going to sleep and dream about my wishes all coming true... wheeee goodnight and sweet dreams.

p.s. i still cant believe i went jogging. its really hard to la but well I DID IT (:


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