national day celebration
today was a fun and interesting day! I woke up at 630. then went to sch in my 'singapore' red shirt. Den reach sch eRm den started slacking? yA then went to parade square den got wad opening ceremony izzit? then eRm went back to class den we got face painting competition. haha then we paint red and white all over our faces and arms and fists... haha then i was paint-covered then jia min like sho scared of me haha. Cos she scared i dirty her shirt. bTw ish jia min angry arhz? i dunno lehz... = [ how? siGh eRm i hate to make her angry kks... haha but i am bad tempered myself la. so do i apologize or wad? errrrrr
then eRm went to hall for celebration... got inter class competition. i think all the classes were great... 2D especially and 1D!! wheeee haha then we sing 'xin lian xin' then we started holding hands and swaying den started running about in circle... haha with hands on the person in front's shoulder. then eRm we went home lo. Then i went to loo aka toilet to clean off the paint on my face but not on my arm cos the looooo too mani pple. Then i went to bus stop den waited for bus 158. Then the bus finally come and everyone was squeezing and rushing up the bus. i was squashed! Totally suffocated lo. lol Then lucky yun jing helped me up the bus...thx thx girl. you rawk. hehex then the bus was packed like sardine then i was standing in the front part of the bus with my hand behind me, grabbing to the pole or wadever. It was plain torture kks... i alighted at the aljunied mrt then speed-walked to gmps. Then when i reached got no sec sch students... so i tried to contact ting ting...
I didnt go back with meng shuen, tian wei, nigel and nicholas. Cos ms and tw got dunno wad computer club thing den nigel decided to be an ungrateful freak haha... then nicholas totally dunno abt it and its all ms' fault cos he neber ask nick.
Then ting ting sms me that she just dismissed then ms and tw came den we went to staffroom to look for mdm nah lo.
Then i was talking to ms tong den mr ng walked past... greeted him lo.
Then went in to find mdm nah. Then they kept talking abt IT stuff and i hafta admit i was kinda bored...
Ms kept taking photos of mdm nah haha mdm nah veh cute...
ms is lame lo. he even took a picture of my hands pressing the buttons of my handphone.
Ya then i received a call from ting ting that the bus that she boarded broke down half way den have to wait for another bus to fetch her.... eR thats bad ya?
then after a while she came den we talked to mdm nah den after that we went to find mrs tok.
Then we saw mrs soh and mrs chia and mrs lim shirley and mrs lim choon num and many other teachers la...
Then mrs tok came out and talked to us den we chatted then....
mEnG sHuEn'S cAmErA fInaLLy cAmE tO gOOd uSe.
i suggested that we take a photo together lo. Then ms chung was standing nearby so we asked her to be our photographer.
btw ms chung cut her fringe. I dun recognize her at first... she looks like a jap. reallie kawaii nehx! =)
then we took a pic together lo. Mrs tok stood next to me then ting ting stood on my left then i made a twins sign with my left hand..
haha then snap... the photo was taken and mrs tok hafta go. She havent taken her lunch... neither have we
so tw, ms and ting and i went to mac for lunch
ate filet o fish set meal. yUm YuM
chatted as we eat lo then ms veh bad he dunno say wad i got alot of fats then can float or wadever... =.= sarcastic guy manz...
anyway going back to gmps reallie is just sho... wow the feeling is so familiar... qing qie gan.
Its like i feel i am home.. I mean i feel home at dhs too la... But the feeling of home in gmps is warmer ? lol jk. but i studied in gmps for 6 years mahz. of cos the feeling of belonging is deeper lo.
Anyway sadness this year only 4 of us from 6 charity'02 went back... sigh
then just now i bought jaychou's cd from mj. Qi Li xIaNg...
I seriously duno that jay chou released new album until yesterday when stella told me during music. i think it must be becos too busy den i kept thinking that jay's yi fu zhi ming just released lol. or maybe becos i just bought the finding jay that cd... thats why
I havent listen to the qi li xiang yet but i am sure the songs are nice... of cos la... jay sing de lehz!! seh bo...
zHi yOu zhOu jIe LuN cAi nEnG cHaO yUe zHoU jIe LuN
cool yeah? =) wheee
oh ya tmr no art club yay!! hehex can slack... hmmmm i wanna go shopping lehz... veh long neber go le..
Then sec two level camp round the corner... 2 more weeks or maybe less than that... cool har? =) sho seh and exciting lo. ya shiok man
__))^^* aBsEnCe mAkEs oNe'S hEaRt gO fOnDeR bUt tHaT dOeSnT wOrK fOr mE... cOs eVeN iF yOu aRe aBsEnT... yOuR PrEsEnCe WiLL aLwAyS bE iN mY hEaRt aNd mAkE mY LuRvE fOr yOu gO dEePeR aNd dEePeR... *#mOmEnTs oF sWeeTnEsS...#*
then eRm went to hall for celebration... got inter class competition. i think all the classes were great... 2D especially and 1D!! wheeee haha then we sing 'xin lian xin' then we started holding hands and swaying den started running about in circle... haha with hands on the person in front's shoulder. then eRm we went home lo. Then i went to loo aka toilet to clean off the paint on my face but not on my arm cos the looooo too mani pple. Then i went to bus stop den waited for bus 158. Then the bus finally come and everyone was squeezing and rushing up the bus. i was squashed! Totally suffocated lo. lol Then lucky yun jing helped me up the bus...thx thx girl. you rawk. hehex then the bus was packed like sardine then i was standing in the front part of the bus with my hand behind me, grabbing to the pole or wadever. It was plain torture kks... i alighted at the aljunied mrt then speed-walked to gmps. Then when i reached got no sec sch students... so i tried to contact ting ting...
I didnt go back with meng shuen, tian wei, nigel and nicholas. Cos ms and tw got dunno wad computer club thing den nigel decided to be an ungrateful freak haha... then nicholas totally dunno abt it and its all ms' fault cos he neber ask nick.
Then ting ting sms me that she just dismissed then ms and tw came den we went to staffroom to look for mdm nah lo.
Then i was talking to ms tong den mr ng walked past... greeted him lo.
Then went in to find mdm nah. Then they kept talking abt IT stuff and i hafta admit i was kinda bored...
Ms kept taking photos of mdm nah haha mdm nah veh cute...
ms is lame lo. he even took a picture of my hands pressing the buttons of my handphone.
Ya then i received a call from ting ting that the bus that she boarded broke down half way den have to wait for another bus to fetch her.... eR thats bad ya?
then after a while she came den we talked to mdm nah den after that we went to find mrs tok.
Then we saw mrs soh and mrs chia and mrs lim shirley and mrs lim choon num and many other teachers la...
Then mrs tok came out and talked to us den we chatted then....
mEnG sHuEn'S cAmErA fInaLLy cAmE tO gOOd uSe.
i suggested that we take a photo together lo. Then ms chung was standing nearby so we asked her to be our photographer.
btw ms chung cut her fringe. I dun recognize her at first... she looks like a jap. reallie kawaii nehx! =)
then we took a pic together lo. Mrs tok stood next to me then ting ting stood on my left then i made a twins sign with my left hand..
haha then snap... the photo was taken and mrs tok hafta go. She havent taken her lunch... neither have we
so tw, ms and ting and i went to mac for lunch
ate filet o fish set meal. yUm YuM
chatted as we eat lo then ms veh bad he dunno say wad i got alot of fats then can float or wadever... =.= sarcastic guy manz...
anyway going back to gmps reallie is just sho... wow the feeling is so familiar... qing qie gan.
Its like i feel i am home.. I mean i feel home at dhs too la... But the feeling of home in gmps is warmer ? lol jk. but i studied in gmps for 6 years mahz. of cos the feeling of belonging is deeper lo.
Anyway sadness this year only 4 of us from 6 charity'02 went back... sigh
then just now i bought jaychou's cd from mj. Qi Li xIaNg...
I seriously duno that jay chou released new album until yesterday when stella told me during music. i think it must be becos too busy den i kept thinking that jay's yi fu zhi ming just released lol. or maybe becos i just bought the finding jay that cd... thats why
I havent listen to the qi li xiang yet but i am sure the songs are nice... of cos la... jay sing de lehz!! seh bo...
zHi yOu zhOu jIe LuN cAi nEnG cHaO yUe zHoU jIe LuN
cool yeah? =) wheee
oh ya tmr no art club yay!! hehex can slack... hmmmm i wanna go shopping lehz... veh long neber go le..
Then sec two level camp round the corner... 2 more weeks or maybe less than that... cool har? =) sho seh and exciting lo. ya shiok man
__))^^* aBsEnCe mAkEs oNe'S hEaRt gO fOnDeR bUt tHaT dOeSnT wOrK fOr mE... cOs eVeN iF yOu aRe aBsEnT... yOuR PrEsEnCe WiLL aLwAyS bE iN mY hEaRt aNd mAkE mY LuRvE fOr yOu gO dEePeR aNd dEePeR... *#mOmEnTs oF sWeeTnEsS...#*
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