bAcK! yUm yUm.. sWeeT sYrUp...soFt dOu hUa wah is your mouth watering? =) =.= hahax better stop my crap... btw i think that lame jokes can reallie crack me up you noe... i mean make me laugh.. oh pls i am not a nut. lol funny ? wheeee hahax fine fine. eRm bTw now pple like easily get sick lehz. MuZ tAkE cArE hOrZ PpLe...
eRm eRm hmmm so wad do i say eRm Oh ya i think i am reallie mean today. haha becoming a mean girl lo. Dunno why la but i feel veh bad... i think its must be due to the cruelty of the teenage world bahx.
dEn today music was eRm okie la but kinda terrible. Mdm ong was angry apparently becos all of us didnt bother to bring pens and papers for the music proposal and she had to provide us. Den heard from stellalalaa that jay chou release new album on 3 aug. WeLL wEll i reallie simply have no idea abt it. it has been a long time since i stepped into cd rama, sembawang or music junction. I havent buy cds for a long time le... sho i am gonnna buy jay chou's de. He rAwKs
Den we doing gui ji for music bahx most probably la. I wanna learn piano lehz... i dun wan to take music and theory exams though i just wanna learn for fun and especially learn how to play jay's song like an jing, shi jie mo ri... wow wow
sigh but i have no music talent. i learn piano in p1 or p2 bahx den quit after a while cos its like veh ma fan.. have to go to the music sch every... once in a week. den my piano teacher quite fierce but also quite nice. yEp
sho exciting... a long weekend awaits me... wheeee wow wow i am sure that i am gonna slack slack and do more slacking lol
Today after sch i was damn pathetic kks....
I was abt to carry my books up to my locker on the second floor. Then clara and meng shuen long bang their books. it was such a big and heavy stack that i have difficulty walking lo. Then suddenly the stack of dhp talk reply form dropped. plop... then i thot there will be any kind soul to help me budden to my disappointment... lol then i bend down... careful not to drop the books... pick up the forms den rush to the locker. sigh
sho eRm tmr i will be wearing my hang ten singapore red shirt... to sch with my sch skirt.. gonna celebrate singapore's birthday den i think we are doing some painting eg face painting bahx... den goin back to gmps, my dear pri sch. Then after that go where nehx? i have no idea too.. lol oh ya amelia's bday is on the 8 aug. Maybe giving her the present tmr... or next wed bahx...
HaPpY bIrThDaY sInGaPoRe!!
__** I aLwAyS cAuGhT yOu sTaRiNg aT mE... dOeS iT havE a HiDdEn mEaNiNg... a mEaNing thAt yOu LiKe me? I thInk wE bOtH haF fEeLiNgS fOr EaCh oThEr... JuSt tHaT wE dUn sHoW iT... aI (L.O.V.E) yAo dAo sHeNg sHuO cHu LaI...bUt I aM sHy... aNd sCaReD tHaT mY iNtUiTiOn iSh wRoNg... tHe oNlY tHiNg yOu cAn dO iSh mAkE tHe fIrSt mOvE... heeS. HoW dO I cAtCh yOu sTaRiNg aT mE? WeLL... bEcOs I wAs sTaRiNg aT yOu t00! =^^
eRm eRm hmmm so wad do i say eRm Oh ya i think i am reallie mean today. haha becoming a mean girl lo. Dunno why la but i feel veh bad... i think its must be due to the cruelty of the teenage world bahx.
dEn today music was eRm okie la but kinda terrible. Mdm ong was angry apparently becos all of us didnt bother to bring pens and papers for the music proposal and she had to provide us. Den heard from stellalalaa that jay chou release new album on 3 aug. WeLL wEll i reallie simply have no idea abt it. it has been a long time since i stepped into cd rama, sembawang or music junction. I havent buy cds for a long time le... sho i am gonnna buy jay chou's de. He rAwKs
Den we doing gui ji for music bahx most probably la. I wanna learn piano lehz... i dun wan to take music and theory exams though i just wanna learn for fun and especially learn how to play jay's song like an jing, shi jie mo ri... wow wow
sigh but i have no music talent. i learn piano in p1 or p2 bahx den quit after a while cos its like veh ma fan.. have to go to the music sch every... once in a week. den my piano teacher quite fierce but also quite nice. yEp
sho exciting... a long weekend awaits me... wheeee wow wow i am sure that i am gonna slack slack and do more slacking lol
Today after sch i was damn pathetic kks....
I was abt to carry my books up to my locker on the second floor. Then clara and meng shuen long bang their books. it was such a big and heavy stack that i have difficulty walking lo. Then suddenly the stack of dhp talk reply form dropped. plop... then i thot there will be any kind soul to help me budden to my disappointment... lol then i bend down... careful not to drop the books... pick up the forms den rush to the locker. sigh
sho eRm tmr i will be wearing my hang ten singapore red shirt... to sch with my sch skirt.. gonna celebrate singapore's birthday den i think we are doing some painting eg face painting bahx... den goin back to gmps, my dear pri sch. Then after that go where nehx? i have no idea too.. lol oh ya amelia's bday is on the 8 aug. Maybe giving her the present tmr... or next wed bahx...
HaPpY bIrThDaY sInGaPoRe!!
__** I aLwAyS cAuGhT yOu sTaRiNg aT mE... dOeS iT havE a HiDdEn mEaNiNg... a mEaNing thAt yOu LiKe me? I thInk wE bOtH haF fEeLiNgS fOr EaCh oThEr... JuSt tHaT wE dUn sHoW iT... aI (L.O.V.E) yAo dAo sHeNg sHuO cHu LaI...bUt I aM sHy... aNd sCaReD tHaT mY iNtUiTiOn iSh wRoNg... tHe oNlY tHiNg yOu cAn dO iSh mAkE tHe fIrSt mOvE... heeS. HoW dO I cAtCh yOu sTaRiNg aT mE? WeLL... bEcOs I wAs sTaRiNg aT yOu t00! =^^
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