yOyO... just returned back from level camp today... I have only one thing to say.. cAmP rAwKs!! I am starting to miss it now... all the games, instructors and of cos the camp fire. eRm my face is entirely burnt now, especially my nose... more tanned la... then i have aches and mosquitoes bites everywhere lo... well i dun think i wanna elaborate on the camp... cos its like veh long... but fun. how i wish that the camp could last forever... hmmm
I was in Section A- Aries... and my group name is Anthrax which shows that we are deadly poisonous wahaha our instructor was Sidney... she veh chio and tanned de worz. My group members included:
mE!! duH
Pei yu
Teck Kian or wadever.. that guy who kept calling me art club girl!! urghhh
Jastine's friend - dunno his name
Wei Ting
Mei Hui
yue zhi
jaslyn - dunno how to spell
Shane or wadever
Donovan's friend - dunno his name oso
Xin Ying
Cheng Meng
We were a great team kks... and i succeeded doing one of the high elements wheeeee
Then we sang, screamed, cheered and danced... CaMp rAwKs lo
We did chiku cha, hokey pokey, chicken dance and many different claps...
then we sang all those nice nice songs...
Waved our light sticks during campfire wheeee
This level camp is the best lo~!!!
Got westlife songs and all the nice nice hip hip songs...
Anthrax go!
Anthrax go!
Anthrax Anthrax
Go Go Go!! wheeeee*clapp clapp haha
cAmP rAwKs lo...
I lay my love on you
its all i wanna do
everytime i breathe
i feel brand new
you open up my heart
show me all your love
and walk right thru'
as i lay my love on you...
oOpS... ((_*= I think i am starting to fall in love with you.. yeSh you.. buDdEn wAd AbT hIm? TeLL mE wAd I ShOuLd dO... yOuR cUte, hE's sEh.. aNd bOtH oF yOu vEh cOoL... caUgHt bEtWeeN tWo sAdNeSs =(
haha ish this nice?? like poem like that right? cool har? Have you ever been caught between two? how do you feel? hmmm
I. mIsS .cAmP
cAmP. jUsT. RaWkS. rAwKs. RaWkS
I. LuRvE. cAmP
I was in Section A- Aries... and my group name is Anthrax which shows that we are deadly poisonous wahaha our instructor was Sidney... she veh chio and tanned de worz. My group members included:
mE!! duH
Pei yu
Teck Kian or wadever.. that guy who kept calling me art club girl!! urghhh
Jastine's friend - dunno his name
Wei Ting
Mei Hui
yue zhi
jaslyn - dunno how to spell
Shane or wadever
Donovan's friend - dunno his name oso
Xin Ying
Cheng Meng
We were a great team kks... and i succeeded doing one of the high elements wheeeee
Then we sang, screamed, cheered and danced... CaMp rAwKs lo
We did chiku cha, hokey pokey, chicken dance and many different claps...
then we sang all those nice nice songs...
Waved our light sticks during campfire wheeee
This level camp is the best lo~!!!
Got westlife songs and all the nice nice hip hip songs...
Anthrax go!
Anthrax go!
Anthrax Anthrax
Go Go Go!! wheeeee*clapp clapp haha
cAmP rAwKs lo...
I lay my love on you
its all i wanna do
everytime i breathe
i feel brand new
you open up my heart
show me all your love
and walk right thru'
as i lay my love on you...
oOpS... ((_*= I think i am starting to fall in love with you.. yeSh you.. buDdEn wAd AbT hIm? TeLL mE wAd I ShOuLd dO... yOuR cUte, hE's sEh.. aNd bOtH oF yOu vEh cOoL... caUgHt bEtWeeN tWo sAdNeSs =(
haha ish this nice?? like poem like that right? cool har? Have you ever been caught between two? how do you feel? hmmm
I. mIsS .cAmP
cAmP. jUsT. RaWkS. rAwKs. RaWkS
I. LuRvE. cAmP
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