wL... i just typed a thousand word long entry and it just disappeared.. i am seriously pissed off... i dun wanna type sho long anymore...i will just summarise up haha... today got 2 assembly one abt sexuality... and the other abt dhssc. Sexuality talk show 2 video one is abt an interview of teenagers' opinion abt sex... some of there ans are sho disgusting lo. Then the other video shows the process of abortion of a 12 week old baby... the baby head was crushed lo. i was kinda numb after watching it. The purpose of showing us the abortion process is of cos to tell us dun luan luan gao la... i mean its reallie ridiculous to have sex before marriage... humph its not cool kks. Then the speaker told us abt her own life experiences... then the talk on dhssc show us the application form for student council lo... i was previously a psl ... now have to re-apply. the form is like those when you apply for vip like that lo... awards, achievements everything lo. Somemore got shortlisting of applicants and interview them. Charmaine and i are applying sho exciting.. hope we get in. then after that got talk abt dhp. Gave out survey forms to see how many pple wanna go dhp. Then gave out forms to phase one pple... who have been offered a place for dhp. I was called lo. I guess i am going la. Dhs sho near my house... i noe its abt chinese budden i am chinese wad.. sho wads the problem... even if i not going dhp i will be going hcjc lo... which is oso chinese. Hcjc previously got the association thingy but neber go haha. everything not confirmed la
then eRm got english test, got back science and maths tests... did fairly well but can do better... normen get highest for science lo... sho smart de. hmmm ya should be like that bahx... oh ya i veh excited abt level camp.. havent pack stuff yet.. hmmm just now i crap alot abt camp lo... but since that entry ish gone i shall not elaborate... hmmm byebye cya
then eRm got english test, got back science and maths tests... did fairly well but can do better... normen get highest for science lo... sho smart de. hmmm ya should be like that bahx... oh ya i veh excited abt level camp.. havent pack stuff yet.. hmmm just now i crap alot abt camp lo... but since that entry ish gone i shall not elaborate... hmmm byebye cya
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