love note
))_=*^ wE hAvE fEeLiNgs fOr eAcH oThEr rIghT? jUsT wAd aRe wE wAiTiNg fOr? fOr eArTh tO sToP mOvIng Or fOr tHe oZoNe LaYeR tO fInIsH dEpLetInG? LoOkIng aT yOu fRoM aFaR I FeLt a tReMeNdOuS fEeLiNg oF sAdNeSs rUsh tHrOuGh mE, kNoWiNg tHaT yOu aRe nOt mInE bUt iTs LiKe I tHiNk wE dO LiKe eAcH oThEr... oR iZzIt mY wIsHfUl thInKiNG aNd oNe sIdEd LoVe? I sErIoUsLy hAvE nO idEa aNd aM wAiTiNg foR yOu tO cLarIfY wiTh mE. YoU mAke mY wOrLd gO rOuNd. yOu aRe my sUnShIne... mY oNe aNd OnLy sUnsHiNE... ....
LoVe nEed cOuRaGe... I cErTaInLy dUn hAvE iT... hMmm wHeN i TaLk to yOu, a tInGe oF haPPiNeSs rUsH tHrOuGh mE. hOw I wIsH tIme cOuLd sToP rIgHt thAt sEcOnD. mAyBe wE aRe JuSt fRiEnDs mAybE wE aRe a LiTtLe bIt mOre oR LeSs tHan tHat... bUt wHeN I LoOk iNtO Ur eYeS yOu sEeM tO bE TeLLiNg mE tHe UnHeArD... aRe yOu mIsLeAdIng mE oR dO yOu rEaLLy mEaN iT?
To my friends who are... playboy/girl type
Never say 'I love you' if you dont care
Never talk about feelings if they arent there
Never touch a life if you mean to break a heart
Never look in the eye when all you do is lie
The cruelest thing a guy can do to a girl is to
Let her fall in love when he doesnt intend to catch her fall...
And it works both ways
(pLaY boy/girL... nOt gOOd... dOnt cHeAt fEeLiNgs AnD breAk hEaRtS LaRh)
aRe yOu tHe pLaYbOy tYpE? aRe yOu gOnnA LeT mE fAll In LoVe aNd dOnT InTeNd tO cAtCh mE wHeN i fAll... (mAyBe I aM tOO fAt La haha bUt.. dun tAke My wOrds LitEraLLy pLs)
yoyo... haha nice anot, the above? haha if after reading it, you think that i have a stead or a crush... let me tell you..
yOu aRe aBsOLuTeLy RrRrRrR rOnG!! wRoNg...
haha the above are just some of my craps you noe... yUp yUp... btw i have two lame jokes for you..
When you are a baby, wad do you drink?
Ans: Milk - absolutely right
When the cow has babies, wad do the calves drink?
Ans: mIlk - right
What do cow drinks?
Ans: MiLk?
dOng dong... wrong wrong cow drinks water not milk wahaha izzit funny? =.=!!!
oKie heres another one which i found on the net
Which mouse has two legs?
Ans: Mickey mouse - yup correct
Which duck has two legs?
Ans: Donald duck
Dong dong... wrong... all ducks have two legs!!! haha Am i right? haha ya wad all ducks have two legs.. wahaha you are sho gullible heeheee i am a lame person wahaha but i certainly brought some laughter to you right? smile smile...
LoVe nEed cOuRaGe... I cErTaInLy dUn hAvE iT... hMmm wHeN i TaLk to yOu, a tInGe oF haPPiNeSs rUsH tHrOuGh mE. hOw I wIsH tIme cOuLd sToP rIgHt thAt sEcOnD. mAyBe wE aRe JuSt fRiEnDs mAybE wE aRe a LiTtLe bIt mOre oR LeSs tHan tHat... bUt wHeN I LoOk iNtO Ur eYeS yOu sEeM tO bE TeLLiNg mE tHe UnHeArD... aRe yOu mIsLeAdIng mE oR dO yOu rEaLLy mEaN iT?
To my friends who are... playboy/girl type
Never say 'I love you' if you dont care
Never talk about feelings if they arent there
Never touch a life if you mean to break a heart
Never look in the eye when all you do is lie
The cruelest thing a guy can do to a girl is to
Let her fall in love when he doesnt intend to catch her fall...
And it works both ways
(pLaY boy/girL... nOt gOOd... dOnt cHeAt fEeLiNgs AnD breAk hEaRtS LaRh)
aRe yOu tHe pLaYbOy tYpE? aRe yOu gOnnA LeT mE fAll In LoVe aNd dOnT InTeNd tO cAtCh mE wHeN i fAll... (mAyBe I aM tOO fAt La haha bUt.. dun tAke My wOrds LitEraLLy pLs)
yoyo... haha nice anot, the above? haha if after reading it, you think that i have a stead or a crush... let me tell you..
yOu aRe aBsOLuTeLy RrRrRrR rOnG!! wRoNg...
haha the above are just some of my craps you noe... yUp yUp... btw i have two lame jokes for you..
When you are a baby, wad do you drink?
Ans: Milk - absolutely right
When the cow has babies, wad do the calves drink?
Ans: mIlk - right
What do cow drinks?
Ans: MiLk?
dOng dong... wrong wrong cow drinks water not milk wahaha izzit funny? =.=!!!
oKie heres another one which i found on the net
Which mouse has two legs?
Ans: Mickey mouse - yup correct
Which duck has two legs?
Ans: Donald duck
Dong dong... wrong... all ducks have two legs!!! haha Am i right? haha ya wad all ducks have two legs.. wahaha you are sho gullible heeheee i am a lame person wahaha but i certainly brought some laughter to you right? smile smile...
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