today... black friday
yoyo... today is 13 the friday wahaha i just ate a packet of hello panda.. .and am feeling greeeeaaaatttt today basically my day was fine
morning wake up earlier than past few days cos need to go sch and do science ws cos i forgot to bring my workbook home. ate 2 coffee bread on the way to sch. for your info, i always eat my breakfast on my way to sch in my dad's car... most of the time la.
Then reached sch then do ws lo.
First lesson was geog. We watched a video tape on acid rain... then she taught abt environment crisis. I was paying atttention throughout the lesson cos my geog was not veh good la. Then comes lit. we did unseen prose. about round and flat characters and minor and main characters all that blah blah. Then we did character analysis. Got hw lehz. sho many exercises somemore... never mind jia you nehx!!
Then it was recess. I ate my wang wang xue bing lo. Then charmaine hit my head with her book then i screamed at her. Then i screamed at mengshuen too. He was a sucky big mouth. I hate him. Not going to talk to him ever again. Budden i think i not that angry but still abit angry.. wanna noe wad happeneD? go ask him yourself lo Then charmaine was angry cos when i called her she didnt respond
then it was science. ms yap taught abt bacteria and virus. Quite interesting... budden last year ms chew teach before le. only that this year more detailed then it was english
English... got compre test then i took out 4 foolscap haha cos i scared not enough.. then i read through the compre... then do lo. Then when left 35 min then i started on the summary i was scared that i couldnt finish in time lo. Then mrs george said '5 minutes left' i just started writing out my actual summary then i rushed writin the whole thing until my hand pain. My thumb still pain now lehz. Then i finished writing my summary den mrs george came beside me and talk to clara... dunno abt wad. Then she suddenly asked me who we nominated for the most innovative teachers award... i said i not sure. then she said that she wanna thank those students who nominated her cos she was one of the three teachers who got the innovative awards.. .wow wow actually mrs george quite friendly and nice... not as fierce as i think.
Congratulations Mrs George!! =)
ya then she talked to joey after her lesson... wahaha i think we nominated her de. haha she is reallie innovative lor she always used rally robin and all that to teach us. Then is maths. Mrs lim was reallie comical. she brought in empty containers in the shape of prisms then she started pouring red cherry drinks into the container to let us noe the vol of a pyramid lol. she even dripped some on the floor i think haha mrs lim is a good teacher... but sometimes she reallie veh funny de then she asked us to go home and cut out a cone then gave us some hw.
after that was music. we waited like 10 min outside the music cos 2F havent come out. Then when they come out we went in then grace, amelia, suyee and constance perform. They sang 'you light up my life' and did a storm(?_?) performance... veh interesting and entertaining...then jessie and audrey performed then we said byebye to mdm ong then went straight to the auditorium for the level camp briefing. All the sec 2 has level camp next wed to fri... all except normen lo. He fractured his leg mahz. Budden now he can use his clutches to walk liao just now during dunno whose lesson i said class stand then he oso stand up haha scared me manz
Ya den we went into auditorium den peiyu and i same group we are A1 haha our group. Then we went to sit down on the A1 seats lo. Then got other peepz for other class... some i noe some i dunno or i noe them they dunno me haha
Got Everin from 2C (i dun think she noe me la)
This girl from 2A duuno her name de... last time is in my chinese oral workshop class de
Kelvin from 2H (dunno him de... budden saw him at mavis before)
Andy from 2G (fellow art club members)
Justin from 2E - normen's brother
thats all bahx
then the briefing by the serivce provider was even more entertaining lo. his name was glenn and he has been organizing camps for pple for 6 years if i am not wrong... then he veh cool de worz
I noticed that his leg muscle resemble those of a a soccer player haha
then he brief us on the things we need to bring all that... and that includes undergarment
then group c was clapping away. Then ya he kept telling us funny stuff that happens at camp like this guy who used the refrigerator as da air con. We have to bring a whole lot of stuff like sleeping bags all that...and we are gonna fly... fly in the air or some challenging stuff then we have to buy long track pants. sadly i dun haf one so i am gonna buy then next wed my group have to wear track pants to sch lo with pe shirt cos we will start our activity once we reach there... its so exciting lo.... i think its gonna be fun we are gonna stay in chalet 8 to a room for one night then the next night we sleep in tents... alternately lo.its sho exciting lo. then after the whole thing... miss cheong (?_?) asked all the girls to stay back to talk abt some really personal stuff commonly known as period. haha then we were all like sho sianz like that. i mean we are not that interested la. i think those guys are more interested than us. Ya i think i shall not elaborate abt it. It is not interesting at all kks... and in case any guys happened to read my blog.
i was laughing throughout the briefing cos it was so funny de lorz
Then after that charmaine, jia min and i went to the canteen to have our lunch. Then leanne came and joined us. she sprained her ankle...
Leanne.. must take care worz!! get well soon!! i wanna see you at camp wahahah
then i bought porridge and HL milk wahaha then went back to class lo... kept asking leanne whether she was okie. haha then go back class and slack slack pack my books and go upstairs and put in locker then we looked at charmaine's neoprints... then we went home lo. Smsed my mother to asked my dad come and fetch me but sadness my dad was busy so i hafta take bus.
As we walked towards the sch gate bus 158 zooomed past... sadness me and charmaine went opposite to take lo. Its the same except that it tour arnd the condo at the end then pass the front of our sch again lo. Then we talked abt camp on the bus... how we gonna pack all those stuff wad bag we bringing then charmaine hafta alighted lo... then i alighted at my stop then crossed the overhead bridge and walked to my block lo ya... like that lo. thats my day... basically a reallie fun and fine day. yup yup =)
morning wake up earlier than past few days cos need to go sch and do science ws cos i forgot to bring my workbook home. ate 2 coffee bread on the way to sch. for your info, i always eat my breakfast on my way to sch in my dad's car... most of the time la.
Then reached sch then do ws lo.
First lesson was geog. We watched a video tape on acid rain... then she taught abt environment crisis. I was paying atttention throughout the lesson cos my geog was not veh good la. Then comes lit. we did unseen prose. about round and flat characters and minor and main characters all that blah blah. Then we did character analysis. Got hw lehz. sho many exercises somemore... never mind jia you nehx!!
Then it was recess. I ate my wang wang xue bing lo. Then charmaine hit my head with her book then i screamed at her. Then i screamed at mengshuen too. He was a sucky big mouth. I hate him. Not going to talk to him ever again. Budden i think i not that angry but still abit angry.. wanna noe wad happeneD? go ask him yourself lo Then charmaine was angry cos when i called her she didnt respond
then it was science. ms yap taught abt bacteria and virus. Quite interesting... budden last year ms chew teach before le. only that this year more detailed then it was english
English... got compre test then i took out 4 foolscap haha cos i scared not enough.. then i read through the compre... then do lo. Then when left 35 min then i started on the summary i was scared that i couldnt finish in time lo. Then mrs george said '5 minutes left' i just started writing out my actual summary then i rushed writin the whole thing until my hand pain. My thumb still pain now lehz. Then i finished writing my summary den mrs george came beside me and talk to clara... dunno abt wad. Then she suddenly asked me who we nominated for the most innovative teachers award... i said i not sure. then she said that she wanna thank those students who nominated her cos she was one of the three teachers who got the innovative awards.. .wow wow actually mrs george quite friendly and nice... not as fierce as i think.
Congratulations Mrs George!! =)
ya then she talked to joey after her lesson... wahaha i think we nominated her de. haha she is reallie innovative lor she always used rally robin and all that to teach us. Then is maths. Mrs lim was reallie comical. she brought in empty containers in the shape of prisms then she started pouring red cherry drinks into the container to let us noe the vol of a pyramid lol. she even dripped some on the floor i think haha mrs lim is a good teacher... but sometimes she reallie veh funny de then she asked us to go home and cut out a cone then gave us some hw.
after that was music. we waited like 10 min outside the music cos 2F havent come out. Then when they come out we went in then grace, amelia, suyee and constance perform. They sang 'you light up my life' and did a storm(?_?) performance... veh interesting and entertaining...then jessie and audrey performed then we said byebye to mdm ong then went straight to the auditorium for the level camp briefing. All the sec 2 has level camp next wed to fri... all except normen lo. He fractured his leg mahz. Budden now he can use his clutches to walk liao just now during dunno whose lesson i said class stand then he oso stand up haha scared me manz
Ya den we went into auditorium den peiyu and i same group we are A1 haha our group. Then we went to sit down on the A1 seats lo. Then got other peepz for other class... some i noe some i dunno or i noe them they dunno me haha
Got Everin from 2C (i dun think she noe me la)
This girl from 2A duuno her name de... last time is in my chinese oral workshop class de
Kelvin from 2H (dunno him de... budden saw him at mavis before)
Andy from 2G (fellow art club members)
Justin from 2E - normen's brother
thats all bahx
then the briefing by the serivce provider was even more entertaining lo. his name was glenn and he has been organizing camps for pple for 6 years if i am not wrong... then he veh cool de worz
I noticed that his leg muscle resemble those of a a soccer player haha
then he brief us on the things we need to bring all that... and that includes undergarment
then group c was clapping away. Then ya he kept telling us funny stuff that happens at camp like this guy who used the refrigerator as da air con. We have to bring a whole lot of stuff like sleeping bags all that...and we are gonna fly... fly in the air or some challenging stuff then we have to buy long track pants. sadly i dun haf one so i am gonna buy then next wed my group have to wear track pants to sch lo with pe shirt cos we will start our activity once we reach there... its so exciting lo.... i think its gonna be fun we are gonna stay in chalet 8 to a room for one night then the next night we sleep in tents... alternately lo.its sho exciting lo. then after the whole thing... miss cheong (?_?) asked all the girls to stay back to talk abt some really personal stuff commonly known as period. haha then we were all like sho sianz like that. i mean we are not that interested la. i think those guys are more interested than us. Ya i think i shall not elaborate abt it. It is not interesting at all kks... and in case any guys happened to read my blog.
i was laughing throughout the briefing cos it was so funny de lorz
Then after that charmaine, jia min and i went to the canteen to have our lunch. Then leanne came and joined us. she sprained her ankle...
Leanne.. must take care worz!! get well soon!! i wanna see you at camp wahahah
then i bought porridge and HL milk wahaha then went back to class lo... kept asking leanne whether she was okie. haha then go back class and slack slack pack my books and go upstairs and put in locker then we looked at charmaine's neoprints... then we went home lo. Smsed my mother to asked my dad come and fetch me but sadness my dad was busy so i hafta take bus.
As we walked towards the sch gate bus 158 zooomed past... sadness me and charmaine went opposite to take lo. Its the same except that it tour arnd the condo at the end then pass the front of our sch again lo. Then we talked abt camp on the bus... how we gonna pack all those stuff wad bag we bringing then charmaine hafta alighted lo... then i alighted at my stop then crossed the overhead bridge and walked to my block lo ya... like that lo. thats my day... basically a reallie fun and fine day. yup yup =)
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