1 dec- 12 dec
heyyo. just came back from cpa camp on 9 dec. i shall start writing from 1 dec kks? cos i realised that i didnt blogg for a long tym wheee paisehh
1 Dec - Wed
the first day of a brand new month... the last month of year 2004... kinda sad... kinda glad too =)
2 Dec- Thurs
Today is shi xuan's birthday!! happy birthday girl... smile always. miss ya loads x )
And you noe wad, today is oso Play-basketball day. wahaha in a country la i think. wahahaha cool har?
3 Dec- Fri
I cant really remember wad i did lehh haha... wadever. its the third day of the last month of year 2004. lame cann.
4 Dec- Sat
Today's bryan's birthday. happy birthday !! did you receive my e-card ? =) miss ya too.
And you noe wad... haha today is international hug day!! whoa... huggie everyone. =)
Today i went to jurong bird park with my mother and brother.
Spent whole day there. then watch alot of bird performances. there is this particular one which uses eagles and vultures. whoa that one was scary. the vultures and eagles scooped so low that they nearly touched our heads. they are fierce creatures remember? wad if they dug a hole in our heads? lol oh ya. then where we first enter into bird park after buying tickets there are these huge vultures.... they are reallie huge... practically gigantic. believe me. i took pictures of them. i can show you haha. then erm there is this lory loft. where there are lories flying about... then got bridges then you can buy food to feed the lories one. its very northern australia type. that tym tv got show. very nice. budd i very scared those birds flying around. lol i mean they have lots of freedom... but there is this fear inside of me la. okay oh ya and i got lotsa blardy mosquitoes bites. whoa. feasting on my blood. we oso went on the panorail. cool.... air con. we went on it only at the last part of the tour.hehex and i get to feed the pelicans too. my brother and i bought fishes to feed them. the pelicans beaks horr lyk basketball hoops lyk that...cool =)
5 dec- sunday
i cant remember wad i did too. but i noe i packed for cpa camp. brought a whole lot of things.. then kept worrying abt wad to wear. hahaha
6 dec- monday- day one of cpa camp
woke up at 6 plus. cant really sleep. too excited for camp le. then oso abit sad cos leaving home. then reached macpherson sec at 725. saw meng shuen too. then we registered then took a bag of stuff and a file then went in search of our group. coincidently meng shuen and i in same group. group 3- charlie... then the police officers talked to us then we did ice breakers. then kianli is our instructor. my grp members:
Annabel- dhs - me la duhh
meng shuen- dhs
bao jia- dhs
shin yi- mss
faisal- mss
jia min- gmss
xiu mei- gmss
tobie- gmss
jerald yam- bartley
ihsan- bartley
aryanti- bartley
joanna- manjusri
yao guang-mjr
jerald kng- mjr (not sure)
yupp sixteen pple altogether. we oso played tug of war, dog and bone, turn over a new leaf and stuff. very fun.
7 dec- tue- day two of cpa camp
errr woke up at 545 then washed up then got physical training.. torture man... pump leh.my knees pain. then today got the most talks. so very boring. my eyelids kept drooping lorhs oh man. but still went thru the day successfully le. we oso learnt how to tie ropes... dunno wad crossfish and square latch arh... lol
8 dec- wed - day three of cpa camp
woke up at 6 plus. then assemble. going to pasir ris costa sands for activities. breakfast was kaya bun and milk.i lyk the kaya bun lol. then reached pasir ris. my grp started raft building first. then finally i could contribute something. i didnt go on the raft though. level camp that tym i oso didnt go on. cos i noe my weight will surely sink the whole thing down. lol. then after that we did kayaking. my first tym kayaking. it was fun but tiring. and i have a crazy partner. lol the birthday boy. yao zhong dunno from wad sch. he kept trying to capsize the kayak. wad is his problem. haha budden he quite nice oso la. not bad. and he kept scooping things out from the sea and put them on the kayak. oh man haha. after that went toilet to wash up. then changed to track pants and tee. doing high ropes... or the so called high elements. i didnt succeed. i was thoroughly disappointed with myself. budden i didnt give up actually. my hands just slipped and i went flying thru the air with my safety harness. urghhh after that went back to macpherson sec. then prepared for the concert on the next day. can you believe it? i am actually an ah lian in the skit wahahaha. do i look or act lyk an ah lian in any way? the answer is no.
9 dec- thurs- last day of cpa camp
very sad cos last day. tym flies. then erm got physical training. today even more cham. have to do pumping cos dunno which grp dun wan to state their reasons for being late. urghhh... tiring leh. farid and justin led us during pt. then did jumping jack... have to do it together and uniformly lorhs. then went for breakfast then had captains' ball games. that one was wicked ok. 4 grps versus each other. got 4 type of balls. ping pong ball, tennis ball, plastic ball and basketball. ping pong ball has the most points if scored. and bball the least la. cos its bigg la. then sighhh play until very hiong la. after that instructors versus student leaders. haha after that rehearsal for concert. then fast forward to concert. i was very scared though i dun have anything to say. i am just an ah lian. walking towards our gang leader and pretending to be macho wadever. lol then pretending to buy pirated vcds too. haha yupp just a kelifair la. after concert got dinner. then everyone writing autograph. then got one guy from b2 called wynne told me that he was from gmps. dun rmb him then went home to check sch mag then realised he was from gmps. lol yupp then erm my dad fetched me home lorhs.
reached home. taught my brother that cheer- i say you say we say what... wu arh arh arh wu arh arh arh wu arh arh arh wu whassup whassup wu arh arh arh wu arh arh arh wu arh arh arh (pose) farid taught one. haha he very nice and enthu and funny la. ihsan was very funny too. haha yao guang arh he abit too reserved but a gr8 leader too cos he speaks out at tyms when necessary.
10 dec- fri
can you believe it? i slept until 2pm in the noon. whoa. very tired. during camp not enought sleep so must replenish sleep and energy. then i think i slack slack slack. did abit of maths too la.
11 dec- sat.
woke up then erm did abit of hw. then erm prepare to go for ms lai's church wedding. my dad fetched us there together with allan's mum, allan, eileen, jianming's mum and jianming. if you dunno who are them well they are just my brother's friends... fooling around together and stuff. yupp reached church. looked at the wedding photos. ms lai super chio worrr... she dun look lyk her in the photos. she looked lyk a pop star. reallie natural and gorgeous. yupp she rawks! then a few of my brother's classmates oso turned up. ate buffet after the church ceremony then went to parkway parade. walked around then went arcade. spent 10 dollars plus. played the 3 puck hockey. jian ming and i tag team. and we rawk. we won all the games we played and i think i nearly dislocated my right arm. my aiming was so damn gd cann. i always strike. yuppp after that went to eat mos burger. teriyaki chicken burger just rawks lorhs. i wanted to buy ichigo bliss budden after eating burger very full le so nv. after that went popular. bought one silver pen one black pentel pen.. that pen very nice to write. then erm bought 2 comics. one notebook and a bigg winnie the pooh limited sticker to stick on my bedroom wall. quite ex. and i am using my allowance lehh. sadd man. i wanted to buy a storybook one budden my mother paid le. and the shop oso closing so too bad lorhs. another time bah.
12 dec- sun
woke up at eleven. then watched tv. had breakfast then read comics. after that log on to pc and here i am. later going to shop at cwp then going to grandpa's hse for gathering. got lotsa nice and yummy goodies worr... lyk curry chicken and my favourite fried wanton. cool har? yupp i guess i gtg.yeah see ya. i will blog again.
tHe fuTuRe BeLoNgS t0 tHoSe wHo BeLieVe iN tHe bEaUtY oF tHEiR dReAmS...
______so NeVeR heSiTaTe t0 dReAm...
cOs iTs bEcAuSe of dReAmS______
ThAt mEn beCoMe cOuraGeOus aNd grEaT...
sTArt DrEaMiNg NoW...
I aM nOt sUre iF dAydReAmInG cOuNts t0o...
buT hmmm No haRm tRyiNG rIghT?
1 Dec - Wed
the first day of a brand new month... the last month of year 2004... kinda sad... kinda glad too =)
2 Dec- Thurs
Today is shi xuan's birthday!! happy birthday girl... smile always. miss ya loads x )
And you noe wad, today is oso Play-basketball day. wahaha in a country la i think. wahahaha cool har?
3 Dec- Fri
I cant really remember wad i did lehh haha... wadever. its the third day of the last month of year 2004. lame cann.
4 Dec- Sat
Today's bryan's birthday. happy birthday !! did you receive my e-card ? =) miss ya too.
And you noe wad... haha today is international hug day!! whoa... huggie everyone. =)
Today i went to jurong bird park with my mother and brother.
Spent whole day there. then watch alot of bird performances. there is this particular one which uses eagles and vultures. whoa that one was scary. the vultures and eagles scooped so low that they nearly touched our heads. they are fierce creatures remember? wad if they dug a hole in our heads? lol oh ya. then where we first enter into bird park after buying tickets there are these huge vultures.... they are reallie huge... practically gigantic. believe me. i took pictures of them. i can show you haha. then erm there is this lory loft. where there are lories flying about... then got bridges then you can buy food to feed the lories one. its very northern australia type. that tym tv got show. very nice. budd i very scared those birds flying around. lol i mean they have lots of freedom... but there is this fear inside of me la. okay oh ya and i got lotsa blardy mosquitoes bites. whoa. feasting on my blood. we oso went on the panorail. cool.... air con. we went on it only at the last part of the tour.hehex and i get to feed the pelicans too. my brother and i bought fishes to feed them. the pelicans beaks horr lyk basketball hoops lyk that...cool =)
5 dec- sunday
i cant remember wad i did too. but i noe i packed for cpa camp. brought a whole lot of things.. then kept worrying abt wad to wear. hahaha
6 dec- monday- day one of cpa camp
woke up at 6 plus. cant really sleep. too excited for camp le. then oso abit sad cos leaving home. then reached macpherson sec at 725. saw meng shuen too. then we registered then took a bag of stuff and a file then went in search of our group. coincidently meng shuen and i in same group. group 3- charlie... then the police officers talked to us then we did ice breakers. then kianli is our instructor. my grp members:
Annabel- dhs - me la duhh
meng shuen- dhs
bao jia- dhs
shin yi- mss
faisal- mss
jia min- gmss
xiu mei- gmss
tobie- gmss
jerald yam- bartley
ihsan- bartley
aryanti- bartley
joanna- manjusri
yao guang-mjr
jerald kng- mjr (not sure)
yupp sixteen pple altogether. we oso played tug of war, dog and bone, turn over a new leaf and stuff. very fun.
7 dec- tue- day two of cpa camp
errr woke up at 545 then washed up then got physical training.. torture man... pump leh.my knees pain. then today got the most talks. so very boring. my eyelids kept drooping lorhs oh man. but still went thru the day successfully le. we oso learnt how to tie ropes... dunno wad crossfish and square latch arh... lol
8 dec- wed - day three of cpa camp
woke up at 6 plus. then assemble. going to pasir ris costa sands for activities. breakfast was kaya bun and milk.i lyk the kaya bun lol. then reached pasir ris. my grp started raft building first. then finally i could contribute something. i didnt go on the raft though. level camp that tym i oso didnt go on. cos i noe my weight will surely sink the whole thing down. lol. then after that we did kayaking. my first tym kayaking. it was fun but tiring. and i have a crazy partner. lol the birthday boy. yao zhong dunno from wad sch. he kept trying to capsize the kayak. wad is his problem. haha budden he quite nice oso la. not bad. and he kept scooping things out from the sea and put them on the kayak. oh man haha. after that went toilet to wash up. then changed to track pants and tee. doing high ropes... or the so called high elements. i didnt succeed. i was thoroughly disappointed with myself. budden i didnt give up actually. my hands just slipped and i went flying thru the air with my safety harness. urghhh after that went back to macpherson sec. then prepared for the concert on the next day. can you believe it? i am actually an ah lian in the skit wahahaha. do i look or act lyk an ah lian in any way? the answer is no.
9 dec- thurs- last day of cpa camp
very sad cos last day. tym flies. then erm got physical training. today even more cham. have to do pumping cos dunno which grp dun wan to state their reasons for being late. urghhh... tiring leh. farid and justin led us during pt. then did jumping jack... have to do it together and uniformly lorhs. then went for breakfast then had captains' ball games. that one was wicked ok. 4 grps versus each other. got 4 type of balls. ping pong ball, tennis ball, plastic ball and basketball. ping pong ball has the most points if scored. and bball the least la. cos its bigg la. then sighhh play until very hiong la. after that instructors versus student leaders. haha after that rehearsal for concert. then fast forward to concert. i was very scared though i dun have anything to say. i am just an ah lian. walking towards our gang leader and pretending to be macho wadever. lol then pretending to buy pirated vcds too. haha yupp just a kelifair la. after concert got dinner. then everyone writing autograph. then got one guy from b2 called wynne told me that he was from gmps. dun rmb him then went home to check sch mag then realised he was from gmps. lol yupp then erm my dad fetched me home lorhs.
reached home. taught my brother that cheer- i say you say we say what... wu arh arh arh wu arh arh arh wu arh arh arh wu whassup whassup wu arh arh arh wu arh arh arh wu arh arh arh (pose) farid taught one. haha he very nice and enthu and funny la. ihsan was very funny too. haha yao guang arh he abit too reserved but a gr8 leader too cos he speaks out at tyms when necessary.
10 dec- fri
can you believe it? i slept until 2pm in the noon. whoa. very tired. during camp not enought sleep so must replenish sleep and energy. then i think i slack slack slack. did abit of maths too la.
11 dec- sat.
woke up then erm did abit of hw. then erm prepare to go for ms lai's church wedding. my dad fetched us there together with allan's mum, allan, eileen, jianming's mum and jianming. if you dunno who are them well they are just my brother's friends... fooling around together and stuff. yupp reached church. looked at the wedding photos. ms lai super chio worrr... she dun look lyk her in the photos. she looked lyk a pop star. reallie natural and gorgeous. yupp she rawks! then a few of my brother's classmates oso turned up. ate buffet after the church ceremony then went to parkway parade. walked around then went arcade. spent 10 dollars plus. played the 3 puck hockey. jian ming and i tag team. and we rawk. we won all the games we played and i think i nearly dislocated my right arm. my aiming was so damn gd cann. i always strike. yuppp after that went to eat mos burger. teriyaki chicken burger just rawks lorhs. i wanted to buy ichigo bliss budden after eating burger very full le so nv. after that went popular. bought one silver pen one black pentel pen.. that pen very nice to write. then erm bought 2 comics. one notebook and a bigg winnie the pooh limited sticker to stick on my bedroom wall. quite ex. and i am using my allowance lehh. sadd man. i wanted to buy a storybook one budden my mother paid le. and the shop oso closing so too bad lorhs. another time bah.
12 dec- sun
woke up at eleven. then watched tv. had breakfast then read comics. after that log on to pc and here i am. later going to shop at cwp then going to grandpa's hse for gathering. got lotsa nice and yummy goodies worr... lyk curry chicken and my favourite fried wanton. cool har? yupp i guess i gtg.yeah see ya. i will blog again.
tHe fuTuRe BeLoNgS t0 tHoSe wHo BeLieVe iN tHe bEaUtY oF tHEiR dReAmS...
______so NeVeR heSiTaTe t0 dReAm...
cOs iTs bEcAuSe of dReAmS______
ThAt mEn beCoMe cOuraGeOus aNd grEaT...
sTArt DrEaMiNg NoW...
I aM nOt sUre iF dAydReAmInG cOuNts t0o...
buT hmmm No haRm tRyiNG rIghT?
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