my day
hmmm today is considered a good day bahx... i went to sch then i ate meat bao.. same as clara then after i alight from my dad's car, i felt sho full lo.. totally bloated sia urghhh then went to classroom put bag... faster rush upstairs to take books from locker then went down again.. slack for a while before going to the parade square for flag raising... hmmm den maine, jia min and i were talking or rather urging pei yu not to do something haha.. shall not go into detail abt that
went back to class for science... ms yap taught abt dna and genetic engineered stuff... i was kinda confused budden i will jia you de! haha
then went to pe... played hockey.. it totally rocks lo then i kept looking out to see if there is any volleyball or football heading for my head lo.. haha then eRm we dribble the hockey ball around cones... then sat down to watch the guys play the hockey match.. they damn scary de lo haha
then went back to class... danced hokey pokey as we walked back to class cool huh? hee then mrs george came in for english... eRm continued to tell us more abt n.s. stuff.. we are doing argumentative essay on it wahah sho interesting lo i think ns... i mean its cool you noe for the guys to go thru the passage to man hood and be more manly.. haha
then bell rang, joey and i prepared our geog files and wb to hand in to mrs george... then during recess, i did lotsa stuff... i was updating my chines file content page.. then went upstairs to find kang qi accompanied by pei yu.. to tell her that i cant attend the psl meeting after sch as i have oral.. then came down... then taught xuAn xuAn abt science.. then scolded wang xuan for calling pple asshole... then mrs george came in and back in my seat i was. wahaha
then mrs george told us to read the geog bk.. and highlight and label then she asked who took the application form for student council... Then we said mrs lim absent for many days le... then she started asking those who going for other sch's ip... then she suddenly asked wad is my cca lo... then she said wad help me take form from mrs lim for me.. haha then eRm she started telling us abt the president scholar from dhs... that he was the head prefect last time.. and dunno the first prefect from gep class... then continue with leson.
Mrs george is actually quite nice... last time i veh scared of her... now hmmm not that scared le
then ms tan came in for lit... give out lit test paper... oh well... i did fairly well again lo... I got one mark lower than the highest in class... i totally flopped the first ques oh man...
then is chinese... usually stuff lo...
then after sch got chinese oral
omg its sho scary and difficult lo... i totally have no idea on wad to say abt the topic i choose... then wang lao shi was like staring at me? then i was veh nervous and finally managed to crap out some stuff... i realised that i am quite good at crapping wahah... then finished updating chinese file content page in class... then went upstairs to put books in locker cos my dad coming to fetch me liao...
then saw jing hui.. asked him wad the psl meeting abt... then he said abt teachers' day performance lo... ya... then put my books le rushed all the way downstairs.. then just saw my dad's van drove in. then when i reached the eR... i forgot the name for the place outside the office haha.. .then get onto the van after making a face at myself in the reflection of the mirror wahaha.. then realised that normen's father and mother in the car beside my dad's van haha they dunno me la... then my dad drove out of sch lo... ya
such a busy day rite? hmmm
btw i have been feeling veh happy and cheerful nowadays lehz.. have no idea why.. got feeling of being in love?? pls lo.. like real... hMmmm anyone pple stop asking me abt wad two timing stuff or wadso ever... i am not gonna say anything out.. haha
kks gtg le... brother irritating me to use com urghhh irritating de lo...
__))** I LoOkEd aT yOu. yOu LoOkEd aT mE. aM I tHiNkiNg tOO mUcH aNd iS oVeR sEnSiTiVe? oR iZzIt tRuE hUh? I aM tOtaLLy BluR... You rEfErRing tO mE oR waD? dUn mAke mE hApPy fOR nTh HoRz. sTiLL uNsUre aBt mY fEeLinGs yeT tHoUgH waHaHa... LiFe sTiLL gOeS oN..
oh man i am bored and have started to crap again... hhmmm i guess i realie gonna go le... byebye
btw tata young roX... all her songs sho nice de lo... esp the sexy naughty bitchy me... haha its just a song. tata young oso quite chio wor.. anyone got her cd?? hhehex kks cya
went back to class for science... ms yap taught abt dna and genetic engineered stuff... i was kinda confused budden i will jia you de! haha
then went to pe... played hockey.. it totally rocks lo then i kept looking out to see if there is any volleyball or football heading for my head lo.. haha then eRm we dribble the hockey ball around cones... then sat down to watch the guys play the hockey match.. they damn scary de lo haha
then went back to class... danced hokey pokey as we walked back to class cool huh? hee then mrs george came in for english... eRm continued to tell us more abt n.s. stuff.. we are doing argumentative essay on it wahah sho interesting lo i think ns... i mean its cool you noe for the guys to go thru the passage to man hood and be more manly.. haha
then bell rang, joey and i prepared our geog files and wb to hand in to mrs george... then during recess, i did lotsa stuff... i was updating my chines file content page.. then went upstairs to find kang qi accompanied by pei yu.. to tell her that i cant attend the psl meeting after sch as i have oral.. then came down... then taught xuAn xuAn abt science.. then scolded wang xuan for calling pple asshole... then mrs george came in and back in my seat i was. wahaha
then mrs george told us to read the geog bk.. and highlight and label then she asked who took the application form for student council... Then we said mrs lim absent for many days le... then she started asking those who going for other sch's ip... then she suddenly asked wad is my cca lo... then she said wad help me take form from mrs lim for me.. haha then eRm she started telling us abt the president scholar from dhs... that he was the head prefect last time.. and dunno the first prefect from gep class... then continue with leson.
Mrs george is actually quite nice... last time i veh scared of her... now hmmm not that scared le
then ms tan came in for lit... give out lit test paper... oh well... i did fairly well again lo... I got one mark lower than the highest in class... i totally flopped the first ques oh man...
then is chinese... usually stuff lo...
then after sch got chinese oral
omg its sho scary and difficult lo... i totally have no idea on wad to say abt the topic i choose... then wang lao shi was like staring at me? then i was veh nervous and finally managed to crap out some stuff... i realised that i am quite good at crapping wahah... then finished updating chinese file content page in class... then went upstairs to put books in locker cos my dad coming to fetch me liao...
then saw jing hui.. asked him wad the psl meeting abt... then he said abt teachers' day performance lo... ya... then put my books le rushed all the way downstairs.. then just saw my dad's van drove in. then when i reached the eR... i forgot the name for the place outside the office haha.. .then get onto the van after making a face at myself in the reflection of the mirror wahaha.. then realised that normen's father and mother in the car beside my dad's van haha they dunno me la... then my dad drove out of sch lo... ya
such a busy day rite? hmmm
btw i have been feeling veh happy and cheerful nowadays lehz.. have no idea why.. got feeling of being in love?? pls lo.. like real... hMmmm anyone pple stop asking me abt wad two timing stuff or wadso ever... i am not gonna say anything out.. haha
kks gtg le... brother irritating me to use com urghhh irritating de lo...
__))** I LoOkEd aT yOu. yOu LoOkEd aT mE. aM I tHiNkiNg tOO mUcH aNd iS oVeR sEnSiTiVe? oR iZzIt tRuE hUh? I aM tOtaLLy BluR... You rEfErRing tO mE oR waD? dUn mAke mE hApPy fOR nTh HoRz. sTiLL uNsUre aBt mY fEeLinGs yeT tHoUgH waHaHa... LiFe sTiLL gOeS oN..
oh man i am bored and have started to crap again... hhmmm i guess i realie gonna go le... byebye
btw tata young roX... all her songs sho nice de lo... esp the sexy naughty bitchy me... haha its just a song. tata young oso quite chio wor.. anyone got her cd?? hhehex kks cya
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